HOW BOFFO USES COOKIES BOFFOS's websites use cookies. A cookie is a small text file that is saved on your computer.
WE USE TWO TYPES OF COOKIES SESSION COOKIES A session cookie is only saved temporarily during your visit to the website and is used, for example, to keep track of whether you are logged in or not. PERMANENT COOKIES Permanent cookies are saved in a file on your computer for a limited time. They are used to improve your experience as a repeat visitor to our websites. Some permanent cookies are so-called third-party cookies (cookies set by third parties) from tools we use for analysis purposes in order to improve our services and your experience, as well as for certain types of marketing.
HOW TO DENY COOKIES Your browser can be set to automatically refuse cookies. You can also delete previously stored cookies. Read more on your browser's help pages to find out how. Boffos's websites work flawlessly if you refuse permanent cookies and third-party cookies, but if you refuse session cookies, we cannot guarantee that the website will work as promised as, for example, functionality such as keeping you logged in is not possible.
DO YOU HAVE ANY INQURIES REGARDING OUR WEBSITE? Please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions related to our usage of cookies or any other queries concerning your website experience.


1. GENERAL 1.1 BOFFO is an agency representing creators and photographers in the relation to clients in the area of lifestyle, fashion and sports (”the Service”). BOFFO’s corporate identity number 559431-1531, (”BOFFO”). 1.2 This privacy policy explains BOFFO’s practices regarding its collection, storing, use and disclosure of certain information, including personal data in connection with the Service. This privacy policy also regards persons who visit our website or subscribe on our newsletter.
2. PERSONAL DATA CONTROLLER 2.1 BOFFO is the data controller for the processing of your personal data handled by BOFFO. If you have questions regarding our processing of personal data, you can contact marta@boffoagency.com or malin@boffoagency.com
3. THE COLLECTION OF PERSONAL DATA 3.1 BOFFO collects personal data about you when: 3.2 BOFFO also collects information through our own or third-party cookies when use you visit our website. This is for instance for the purposes of facilitating log in. Further information about BOFFO ́s use of cookies is stated in BOFFO’S cookie policy found on the BOFFO website.
4. PERSONAL DATA 4.1 Basic data that BOFFO collects includes your contact details such as name, e-mail address and/or phone number and, if necessary, your payment details such as bank account. When you become represented by BOFFO we will also need information on your date of birth and additional contact details such as your address. 4.2 BOFFO may also collect and process personal data that you provide when you use BOFFOS’s website, BOFFO’s sites on third-party platforms such as social networking sites or link you on a third-party site or platform with your personal account.
5. FOR HOW LONG IS THE PERSONAL DATA KEPT? 5.1 BOFFO will keep your personal data only as long as it is necessary with regard to the purpose of the respective processing activity. 5.2 In order to fulfill our contractual obligations BOFFO will store the personal data you have provided (such as your name, e-mail address and/or phone number and payment details) as long as you are a BOFFO’s client and for a period of twenty-four (24) months after your agreement with BOFFO has ended. 5.3 BOFFO may store personal data for a longer time than the aforementioned times if required by law or in order to establish, exercise or defend a right in a legal claim.
6. LOCATION Your personal data is stored in Sweden, where BOFFOS is located.
7. THE PURPOSE OF PROCESSING PERSONAL DATA 7.1 BOFFO processes your personal data for various purposes. Primarily, BOFFO processes your personal data in order to fulfill BOFFO’s obligations as an agent or to manage the customer relationship with you and furthermore to fulfill its legal obligations. Your personal data may also be processed for marketing purposes. 7.2 Personal data may, for example, be processed and analysed in order, by means of targeted marketing via for instance email, and advertising on third party channels, to provide information or offers on BOFFO’s or its partners’ goods and services. This may e.g. include processing of personal data for the purpose of creating custom audiences on third party platforms such as Facebook and Google.
8. THE LEGAL BASIS FOR THE PROCESSING 8.1 A majority of the personal data that BOFFO processes about you are processed because it is necessary for BOFFO’s performance according to an agreement with you. 8.2 Some of the personal data which BOFFO processes are processed based on a balance of interest, i.e. BOFFO’s legitimate interest of processing the data outweighs the impact and risk the processing may have on your integrity. Such is the case when BOFFO processes Your personal data certain marketing purposes other than for direct marketing. 8.3 Additionally, some personal data is processed based on your consent. To the extent that processing is carried out with consent as a sole legal basis, it is voluntary for you to give such a consent and you may at any time, wholly or partly, withdraw your consent.
9. DATA SECUTIRY AND INTEGRITY The security, integrity and confidentiality of your personal data is very important to us. We have implemented security measures that are designed to protect your personal data from in particular unauthorized access or disclosure, use, modification, destruction and loss.
10. DISCLOSURE OF PERSONAL DATA 10.1 BOFFO may disclose your personal data to its business partners, suppliers and other third parties in order to fulfil the agreement with you or to fulfil agreements with BOFFO clients and business partners or otherwise according to the purposes set out in this privacy policy. 10.2 BOFFO may also disclose personal data to companies that process personal data on our behalf, such as our accountant, IT system providers, customer service companies and affiliates. If personal data is disclosed to such companies that process data on BOFFO’s behalf, BOFFO enters into data processing agreements with such parties in order to ensure that a high level of security for your personal data is maintained. 10.3 Personal data may also be disclosed, if needed, to comply with statutory legal requirements or requirements from authorities or agencies. 10.4 As an international business, we may store your personal data in the European Union (EU) or in the European Economic Area (EEA) or in other locations. When your personal data is transferred between different countries, the transfer is made to the previously described categories of recipients and for the purposes set out in this privacy policy. If Your personal data is transferred to or stored outside the EU/EEA, special safety measures will be taken, we will e.g. ensure that such transfer is carried out in accordance with this privacy policy and as permitted by the applicable laws on data protection, for example through the use of data transfer agreements that includes de standardized EU-model clauses for transfer of data adopted by the EU Commission and that are available on the EU Commission’s website.
11. LINKS TO EXTERNAL WEBSITES Information provided by BOFFO may contain links to websites operated or owned by someone other than BOFFO. BOFFO is not responsible for the processing of personal data carried out on these websites. BOFFO encourages you to inform yourself of the privacy practices of the respective website controllers.
12. CHANGES TO THE PRIVACY POLICY This privacy policy may be revised from time to time. The most recent version of our privacy policy will be published on BOFFO’s website. We encourage You to review this privacy policy frequently in order to stay informed about our data processing practices.
13. EU/EEA LAW 13.1 If you are located in the EU/EEA you have the following rights (in addition to withdraw Your consent): Right of access: You have a right to ask whether or not we have personal data about you and, if that is the case, request information on what personal data we have about you and why and how we process it. Right to rectification: We are required to rectify inaccurate personal data, or to complete personal data that is incomplete, on request. Right to erasure (right to be forgotten): We are in some circumstances required to erase your personal data on your request. Right to restriction of processing: We are in some circumstances required to restrict our use of your personal data on your request. In such cases, we may only use the personal data for certain limited purposes set out by law. Right to data portability: Under certain circumstances, you may have the right to receive their personal data to which we have access, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and with a right to transmit those data to another entity. Right to object: In some cases, you may object to our use of your personal data. We may then be required to stop using the personal data. 13.2 Please note that some of the rights above may only be exercised in certain situations, e.g. the right to data portability, which only applies when the processing is carried out on the basis of contractual necessity or consent and if the processing is carried out by automated means and the right to have data deleted, which only applies when data is processed based on a balance of interest or consent. In case You have any questions regarding how BOFFO processes your personal data, want to exercise any of your rights or want to know more about the rights, you may contact us as indicated below. E-mail address: marta@boffoagency.com or malin@boffoagency.com 13.3 If You do not want BOFFO to process your personal data for direct marketing, you can give notice thereof to BOFFO and for each newsletter sent to you, you will be informed that you can opt out of receiving further newsletters. As regards cookies, your choices for opting out are outlined in BOFFO’s cookie policy. 13.4 You are also entitled to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority if you consider that your personal data has been processed in contradiction with applicable data protection legislation. If you are a resident of, if your place of work is in or if the alleged infringement of data protection law has taken place in Sweden, you may lodge your complaint to the Swedish Data Protection Authority.

Last reviewed on 17 May 2023

Corporate identity number 559431-1531